Sunday, April 1, 2012

Life is Full of Discovery and Passion

It's fitting that I should start a new blog on April Fool's Day. A good day I think! Because it is a fool who tries to go it alone without the help of others. This blog is about helping, advising, consulting and getting things off our chests. More importantly helping each other out. So my advice blog begins....on this 1st day of April 2012.

Life is full of adventure if one is willing to take the steps of discovery. Knowing what is in your heart and finding your true passion will make you very happy indeed. But are you daring enough to find the passion that is within you? Will you take the risks? What will they be?

If you are lucky enough know yourself, love yourself then share your passion with us!
If you are still on your journey of discovery tell us where you have been and what you hope to find. 

Your insight and comments are always welcome so please join in and thank you in advance for stopping by. 

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